December 14, 2020
As the homecare market continues to grow, more medical practitioners and homecare workers are needed to meet the demand of an increasing number of patients. In order to onboard, optimize, train and effectively communicate with the caregiver workforce, it is necessary to prioritize increasing caregiver engagement to learn their wants and needs.
CareConnect is focused on transforming how healthcare agencies on-board, place, train and retain their most valuable asset, caregivers. In order to achieve this goal, CareConnect provides more direct communication with agencies and their workforces during the COVID pandemic to learn what inspires the caregivers, as well as how they feel best supported.
Both experience and engagement are important components to the success of an organization. Engagement is dependent on various factors including culture and leadership, which CareConnect is dedicated to supporting.
Below are five best practices for engaging the caregiver workforce:
Successful companies are open about their approach to increasing engagement, often discussing it with their teams. Actually discussing engagement will let you know exactly what your caregivers need.
Any of these best practices is likely to increase engagement and contribute to an overall more positive work culture. Showing caregivers that you care, just as they do is the best way to retain them. After all, not only do caregivers influence care, but without them, many patients would not be able to access care. Implement these best practices to support those who consistently support those in need.
1. Ask about them Use surveys and questionnaires to ask about a caregiver’s thoughts and opinions. Do not just stop at asking, though. Hold meetings to talk through results and discuss the issues. This shows caregivers that they are supported. You can read more on how to keep your caregivers safe and positive here.
When caregivers are asked their opinion, they feel more heard, trusted, and considered, which will in turn increase engagement.
2. Understand different learning styles Learning how each caregiver received information tells you their learning style. An example of varying learning style is a caregiver who learns best via online education versus one who may learn better doing hands-on projects.
Understanding a caregiver’s learning style and catering to it will make them feel comfortable and increase engagement.
3. Give individual attention
In addition to understanding different learning styles, it is important to analyze individual tendencies and how they feel the most praised. One caregiver may prefer public recognition, while another may prefer private words of affirmation.
Surveys and questionnaires can be used to match caregivers with the projects and tasks they feel most comfortable based on their individual qualities. When a caregiver feels comfortable and best suited for a job, they engage more.
4. Support caregivers with technology With much of the workforce shifting to virtual communication, it is important to support caregivers with technology. Many companies are tasked with choosing the right technology and fulfilling employee expectations.
One way CareConnect has done this is by providing a free COVID screening tool (you can also email that over 100,000 caregivers are now using. With this tool, agencies are able to match the right caregiver to a client and schedule in-home appointments.
Companies may also consider virtual services that help with online learning, training and even relaxation. When caregivers are supported in this way, they are much more likely to engage.
5. Discuss engagement The most obvious, yet often overlooked way to engage caregivers is to ask them about engagement. Most caregivers know exactly what will help them engage more and are willing to give feedback.