For Agencies

AI-Powered Shift Management =

Transformational Value for Agencies

Worried about unfilled shifts? What about rising caregiver acquisition costs eating into your profits? CareConnect’s suite of solutions provides home care agencies with the tools to efficiently streamline workflows, increase referrals, reduce cost penalties, and improve caregiver engagement – all in one place.

What We Offer

CareConnect Value

CareConnect’s services and our AI-powered shift management solution, ShiftMatch.AI, create value across your organization: from hiring, through onboarding, shift matching and scheduling, the ROI is easy to see.  The CareConnect platform is an excellent all-in-one solution designed to bridge the gaps in your existing tools, generating a connected workflow that elevates your process.

Reduce Overtime Usage by up to


Reduce Unfilled Shifts by up to
Faster Caregiver Onboarding by up to
Reduce Cost-Per-Hire by up to

Areas of Expertise

Products & Services

CareConnect’s AI-powered Workforce Optimization Platform revolutionizes the Home Care and Post-Acute Care industries by tackling three main Caregiver challenges: Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention. Our mission is to empower agencies and providers with the insights and tools needed to recruit, engage, and retain top talent while reducing costs and driving revenue.

CareConnect Platform Overview

Recruiting Process
Outsourcing (RPO)

Worried about caregiver-recruiting costs?

Increase engagement and reduce recruitment costs by 50% or more with CareConnect RPO.  With over 100 years of combined healthcare recruiting experience, CareConnect’s internal recruiting team simplifies the process, qualifies candidates, reviews documents, and saves agencies time and money on recruitment duties.



Need help reducing overhead?

Scheduling Outsourcing allows home care agencies to access more effective scheduling resources, reduce cost penalties, and overtime pay. Our experienced, multilingual coordinators fill shifts quickly to ensure the best matches, all without the need to hire additional staff.


Looking for online training for your team?

CareConnect offers an intuitive and easy to use eLearning platform. Our eLearning courses are optimized for mobile devices and scheduled so they don’t compete with assigned shifts. Even better, they are available in multiple languages, allowing your caregivers to learn what they need in their language.

CareConnect ATS 2.0

Applicant & Progress Tracking

CareConnect ATS 2.0 encapsulates everything you expect from an industry-leading ATS and is the next step in the critical journey to getting caregivers working when, where, and how they’re needed. ShiftMatch.AI fuels intelligent workforce hiring decisions and ensures all forms of caregivers have an excellent experience from the moment they contact their agency. New functionality includes upgraded applicant/progress tracking, custom applicant tagging, a candidate review rating system, job postings, referral sources, and recruiter activity/performance reporting.


Simplify Scheduling

ShiftMatch.AI utilizes advanced AI and machine learning, allowing your agency to maximize your caregiver pool. This fully integrated system will enable you to identify the most compatible, lowest-cost caregivers for each case. It also ensures communication with caregivers, decreases overtime and other cost penalties, and allows you to match and fill shifts quickly.

Caregiver Choice

Empower Caregivers

Caregiver Choice is a caregiver-driven shift booking feature designed to redefine the landscape of booking home care shifts.  This feature encourages caregivers to build their own schedules, saving care coordinators 25%+ more of their time, and boosting agency revenue by booking 40%+ more shifts.  With its emphasis on efficiency for Care Coordinators, Caregiver Choice revolutionizes the way caregivers and agencies interact and drives significant value.

Public HL7 FHIR-Compliant APIs

Seamlessly Integrate with Any EMR, EVV, or AMS

CareConnect’s Public HL7 FHIR-compliant APIs enable integration access with virtually any EMR, EVV, or AMS platform in the full spectrum of healthcare, with a focus on Home Care and Post-Acute Care. This includes homegrown systems to ensure quick and easy access to our platform, products, and services, all focused on optimizing your workforce, driving revenue, and reducing costs.

Take Their Word, Not Ours.

What Agencies & Caregivers Have to Say